Online learning

Online learning

Technical Muse Your one stop For everyting

While a few enterprising instructors have always used the internet to support what they do in the classroom, interest in online learning opportunities has increased dramatically in the last few years (and for obvious reasons, especially since early 2020). We offer custom-made web-based learning modules to support nearly any curricula at nearly any level. In addition, our experience in pedagogy, effective facilitation of learning, and active learning curriculum design can help make your current curriculum (or even just information!) into a powerful learning opportunity that will engage and challenge learners.

Learning modules are built on an html (web-based) platform. The tools we use include Adobe products (Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, Dreamweaver) as well as Microsoft (Word, PowerPoint, Excel). Other tools are used, as and when it's needed. Moodle is our favorite widely-used and open-source platform where learning modules are easily accessed by learners and teachers/trainers. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

Every creator of content, whether a professor writing a textbook on quantum mechanics, a researcher writing an article, a community group with quarterly newsletters, or a manufacturer with a new product to sell, they all have challenges and needs. The online learning objects and modules we create can meet those challenges head on, turning your needs into an online presentation you can be proud of.

You have Content or an idea

The paperless office. The virtual classroom. Remote training. Great ideas, but how to make them happen?

We have the tools and the experience

You may be familiar with learning or course management systems like Fronter, Its Learning, or Blackboard. We can work within those platforms or across platforms to offer modules designed specifically to meet your needs, without having to buy huge program suites and site licenses. Coupled with our skills in desktop publishing and graphic design, we will provide you with the right solution to for your needs.

Together we cooperate towards realisation

Learning the same thing by different means enhances the learning. Whether your course/seminar/training program is face-to-face, blended/hybrid, or 100% online, what we offer by way of online learning and interactive learning objects increases what students or participants can learn.

Please take a look at some of our learning modules For a sample of what we can do

Learning object

Online learning object, designed as a prerequisite learning activity for an online course for faculty.


An information rich interactive map with pop-up text boxes, including links.

Learning object

Online learning object, initially designed to accompany a journal article.

Online college course

No guest access, but you can click to learn more about the course itself.
