Copy editing & text proofing

Copy editing &
text proofing

Technical Muse Your one stop For everyting

If you need help with editing or proofing your book, article, or thesis, we're ready iron out all the little wrinkles that separate the merely good from the truly excellent. Let us help you meet the requirements from your publisher, company, or university to make your work as attractive, professional, exciting, interesting, and error-free as possible.

We use Adobe InDesign for publishing production and Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, MathType, MS Word and whatever other tools are needed for design and graphics work. We're happy to work in the format of your choice. And we also have a stack of textbooks and dictionaries as well. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

Every creator of content, whether a professor writing a textbook on quantum mechanics, a researcher writing an article, a community group with quarterly newsletters or a manufacturer with a new product to sell, they all have challenges and needs. Challenges and needs that we are happy to help solving.

You have the Content and we can make it shine

Nearly all Norwegians are highly competent in English...but professional-level writing, especially when it's for publication, requires a level of grammar, punctuation, and linguistic expertise that few native speakers of English can manage.

We have the tools and the experience

Whether you need to deliver content in British English or American English, we're ready to help. Are you using Harvard style? APA? A journal's own house style? We have the experience needed to help your content meet the stylistic needs of your publisher or platform.

Together we cooperate towards realisation

Språkvask? Deep copyediting? Proofreading? Whatever your editing needs, we can meet them. Don't worry about the idioms, where the comma goes, and whether your subjects and verbs agree. Take a deep breath and reach out to us. We'll do the hard bits so you can rest assured your work is in tip-top shape.